Saturday, 19 June 2010

How to Stay Healthy and Love Life.

It may surprise you that too much stress can cause deficienies, You can easy turn this around just by loving yourself and loving your life.

However many people do find it hard to keep their life simple. The variety of people find it hard simply, because outside your front door the world is moving at an pace they feel they cannot keep up with.

Too many to do's , but not enough hours to them in.

How can  you change your hectic lifestyle to a more relaxed lifestyle which in turn will bring those stress levels down.

The beauty is by Keeping it Simple

First you need to understand what you can and cannot do. You have to accept that sometimes there are things you cannot afford, You can not jump into adventure that you don't have the time to do, let alone the risks that you could bring to your health.

However that does not mean to say you cannot spice up your life no matter what your budget is.

By being creative and sharing your passion and dreams with your family and closest friends, doing just that will help you to maintain a healthly attitude and you will not be risking your health unto any untoward scenes.

If you are worried about how stress can affect your health in the long run. Here are a few activities you should consider doing.

Its time for you to take control of your life, remove the stress, be more productive an at the same time be healthy.

...If you are stressed out, your way of coping is to resort to the wrong foods. You tend to eat treats with high levels of fat, salt and sugar. This is caused when the levels if your cortisol or your stress hormone increase. Other people tend to gulp a whole gallon of ice cream after a stressful day. Imagine what it can do to your body in the long run. You may want to rethink things and consider the harmful effects of these activities before resorting to them.

...Stressed out people also resort to coffee to increase their energy level. This may be a good morning starter. But if you become too much addicted to caffeine, this will cause your health trouble in the long run. You must not depend on coffee to keep you alert throughout the day. When a minute-long walk or a quick exercise can do the trick, then do such before you start going for another refill of your caffeine addiction.

...Another thing that happens more often when a person is stressed out is that they skip the important meals. They do their best in order to keep up with a deadline and finish all their task. But they no longer think about their own health in the process. Such bad behavior will take its toll on your body as you get older. This may cause more problems in the end. It will be better if you will learn to finish your tasks but be mindful of eating the right meals in between.

This way, you are loving life and loving your obligations at the same time. And both may prove to be rewarding in the process.

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